Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Kirstin's Wedding

Today is a very special day for my dear friend Kirstin. She is getting married. Feleicia flew in and we all had a blast. We all went to dinner for the bachletee party. It was so yummy. Kirstin had a bridemaid's breakfast for us of ham puffs those were the best I need the recipie Kirstin, fruit and more. She gave each of us a different purse that fit our personality with the money going to breast cancer. Thanks so much for the purse Kirstin. We all went down town before the wedding and had chips at a Mexican resruant. We took pictures by the cows and just talked. We had the Reseral dinner of chicken and potoates and more. There were about 35 people. The wedding was so beautiful. I was so honored to be your brides maid. We had wonderful food and watched them dance and talk. Kirstin I'm very proud of you and Tom. I miss you dearly but I know God has a plan for the both of you. I love you both.


Monday, July 16, 2007


Today was such a fun day. Tim and I took the girls to the zoo it was so hot and we thought they were going to take a nap afterwards boy where we wrong. We went over to Elizabeth's house too see my aunt and counsins. They were cookings us a yummy dinner of shirmp, saman, rice, green beans and oreo desert. It was so good. We all talked and had a blast showing off the kids to them. We all were having such a good time Anna was playing upstairs in a room with Elizabeth's American Girl doll. I went up there to check on her and the dolls leg was off. I asked her what had happened she said, I was trying to get the shoe off her and the leg came off. Elizabeth came up there and Anna said It's ok we can just get a new doll with 2 legs. Elizabeth and I laughed for like 2 minutes striaght and everyone wanted to know what had happened. So we gave her Liz's big doll to change her clothes in. I'm so sorry Liz let me know what I can do to get it fixed. It will be a story I will not forget.

Monday, July 9, 2007

My sister came over today and we just hung out with al are little girls Anna 3 Caroline almost 1 yippie and baby Kayeln almost 2 months. I wanted to show off my sisters precious baby girl. I love you sis.

These ladies are my wonderful friends. We all got together about a month ago and had dinner and then we just sat and talked. Our dear friend Felecia came back to Oklahoma to see us for a few days who will now live in Chicago. I love you all.